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Small Inspirations


 “There are little gems all around us that can hold glimmers of inspiration.” – Richelle Mead

[In response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Inspiration & the Rebirth of Lisa’s Words Crush Wednesday.]

I say this in the most un-ironic way possible, but it’s the tiniest things that inspire me photographically. I’m in a store and see a toy, I’m outside and see the way the sunlight hits a leaf, I’m listening to a lecture and see the way the man sitting in front of me taps the arm rest on his chair. Anything and everything can become inspiration for a creative endeavor.

I’ve gone back and forth with whether or not to share these images, but I think they explore this concept quite well. The other day, after eating at La Nopalera with my mom and boyfriend, we wandered into Big Lots next door just to take a look around. We left with a $5 box of X-Sand (a knock-off of this stuff) thanks to my mom giving into my childish whining (I swear I revert back to a 5 year old when she’s in town). We went back home to watch a movie and my mom and I played with our new toy. It came with too little sand to really make anything of substance, but it is such an interesting texture to play with, and I of course had to take some macro shots. I lied to myself when we were purchasing it, that I would use the sand for a series of my sea creatures (well, maybe I will eventually).

In any case, here’s the result of a burst of inspiration caused by a wave of immaturity and box of play-dough like sand.

What inspires you?

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