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Why Miniatures?

searchandrescuewoods: fugue state

MMMPosting as part of the My Mini Monday series. A occasionally weekly feature where I discuss all things miniature, outside of the realm of my own miniature photographic scenes.

Why are we so fascinated with miniatures? What makes miniatures useful in artistic work?

These thoughts and others explored through snippets from a variety of artists/articles as cited at the end of this post.

Click on an image to open the gallery in full screen.

Feel free to share these quote images, just give credit to the original source as referenced on each image.


All backgrounds are from

[Edit, linking this post on 8/12 to WordPress’ Daily Prompt: Obsessed]

Why do you find miniatures fascinating? Please leave your thoughts in a comment below.

**I’m working on compiling links for a part 2 post. Leave your thoughts below and they may make it into the next post.

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