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New Photos Afoot – Weekly Recap: June 6 – 12

Sunday my new action figure arrived. Damtoys Pocket Elite Obsidian Man. This is my 3rd in the relatively well priced line. You can see Hard Candy Man in my MRI series series and Jadite Man in my A New Door series.

I prepped my props and took some test shots of my new figure.

But most of the day I relaxed. I started watching Dirty John on Netflix and Eric and I got Kazu Sushi Burrito for lunch.

Monday – work and Netflix. Tuesday – work with cake for my boss’s birthday. Nap, Netflix, ravioli and MTV’s Catfish that night. Wasn’t feeling great either of these days so did my best to take it easy at home.

Monday and Tuesday I played around with inverting some images of my green figure. You can read a tiny bit more about that at the link below.

I ran to Dollar Tree and Michael’s Sunday with little success in finding what I was looking for, so feeling better I went to Hobby Lobby after work Wednesday. All this in trying to get a couple things to be able to make all the images I envision for my new figure. I’m doing that thing where I’m doubting I’ll be able to create what’s in my mind, but I’ve been on a big creative streak so far this year, and I’m sure I’ll pull through with images I’m happy with in the long run.

All I bought from Hobby Lobby were marbles 🤷‍♀️But that was one step closer.

Tuesday night Eric and I went swimming at our apartment pool. The first time we’ve actually been swimming here, and we’ve lived here for 2 years. We had the whole pool to ourselves!

Thursday I had an oh so fun dentist appointment, finished watching Dirty John, re-watched Bo Burnham’s Inside and had dinner with a friend.

I also finally started shooting my new series on Thursday after some execution brainstorming. I shot, and spent too much time editing, an image, thought I was done with it, re-worked it some more, still hated it, reshot, re-edited and got something I liked! Not that I’m not always a perfectionist with my images, but this being the first image in a new series, I needed it to be just right.

Thursday night more swimming. Friday terrible headache and early to bed. Saturday though I drove down to Ormond Beach with my parents to meet up with my sister, brother-in-law and brother-in-law’s mom. My sister lives in Connecticut, so I don’t get to see them much. We went to lunch, ice cream and a consignment store, then separated ways.

Saturday night I started looking into more dream stuff, so maybe I’ll get back to that Freud research soon.

Hopefully more image making this coming week, especially since I’m going back out of town for work the following week.

This week in blogs:

Articles I Tweeted:


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