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Weekly Recap: October 24 – 30

October has come to an end and yesterday was the last day of the Halloween Challenge. This is such a cliché thing to say, but I really can’t believe how quickly this year has gone by.

Waldo Flea Market

Sunday, Eric and I drove an hour and 20 minutes to Waldo Flea Market. He got a hatchet to restore and I got a mirror miniature shelf, 2 books, a small microscope in a box, and a tiny porcelain doll. Normally Eric finds more on these types of trips than I do, so I’m happy I had some things to bring home. We got home in time for dinner and got some Kazu Sushi Burrito.

Monday, I spent time with my parents. We talked, made caprese sandwiches for lunch, my mom started crocheting a new sweater for me and made taco soup for me to take home for dinner.

My mom found the last 2 letter pumpkins at the Dollar Tree near her, and they just so happened to be the first letters of me and my husband’s names.

St. Augustine Alligator Farm

Tuesday – appointment, thrift stores, pawn shops, and the St. Augustine Alligator Farm. Eric and I had never been and there are sooo many Alligators, as expected I suppose lol. Thanks to my mom here too, because she gave us a BOGO coupon for the Alligator Farm.

Wednesday & Thursday – time at home, photo taking, graduate school applications. More on that last part later.

Friday, back to work and what a weird day of the week to do so, but the weekend was already in sight.

Halloween Eve Festivities

Saturday, though, I went to a friend’s house to make creepy dolls. We painted them, dyed their clothes and even made a spray foam brain for one.

After. I stopped by my parent’s house. You’ll see the lovely sweater my mom has been making for me in next week’s post.

That night, I went to another friend’s for a Halloween get together.

This Week in Blogs:

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