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Weekly Recap: December 12 – 18

A fairly low key week, which is honestly the best way to start to finish out the year.

Purses and Plants

My Christmas Cactus is starting to bloom! Eric and I went to some thrift and consignment stores where I found a few new shirts and a very pretty purse.

Artsy Activities

My mom and I visited a couple craft stores to get buttons for her crochet ornaments and some wood for a project I’m going to work on. I started working on a logo for Eric’s online business, and I am very out of practice on logo making.

I attended a Grinchmas party with my friends.

Another Photo Making Session

I made some photos! Or really, I take hundreds of photos almost every day for work, so in this case I made some art through the medium of photography, but that’s so much longer to say.

One weekly photo session is not my ideal, but it’s better than nothing, and I’m pretty happy with what I’ve made so far.

The Week in Blogs:

How was your week?

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