A Timeline of the History of Miniatures: From Ritual and Religious Object to Plaything and Collectible

A re-look at a past post, miniatures since the beginning of time.

A Timeline of the History of Miniatures: From Ritual and Religious Object to Plaything and Collectible

Miniatures have taken the world by storm. And why wouldn’t they? The internet allows the spread of their tiny glory to miniacs all over the world. But they have a hugely amazing history, dating back to ancient Egypt, if not further, and I think that history needs to be explored. 3rd Millennium BC (Old Kingdom... Continue Reading →

Sundance: Life in Miniature

Life in Miniature is a short film by Ellen Evans. It profiles a mom and daughter mini making duo. Kath Holden, the daughter, makes furniture and accessories inspired by modern life and Margaret Shaw, the mother, specializes in replica food. In its short span, the film discusses the catty attitude in the Miniature world, with... Continue Reading →


A miniature HO scale SR-71 Blackbird, built by my boyfriend in his childhood and photographed by me in a recent visit to his parents' home. [A late entry for the Pic and a Word Challenge: Blue, also posting to the Discover Challenge: Superhero]


Hi all, As I've been doing with my Amusement Park project, when I'm not constantly sharing new images, I try to keep you updated with misc. miniature updates. Lately I've been working on some bigger and therefore more time consuming sets, making new images slower to come out. I'd like to think, this will make... Continue Reading →


[For the 2016 April A to Z Challenge, Day 6, F]

HO Scale Traffic and Rail Road Crossing Lights

I recently decided to make my own HO scale traffic and rail road crossing lights. For the purpose of my photos, I don't need the expensive ones available that allow you to set timers for the change of the lights etc. I did want mine to be able to light up though, for my Headlights... Continue Reading →


Lost in a Cornfield. Look closely and you will see a figure to the right of the image.

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