Oh dear…

I promised myself I wouldn't write any more apology posts...but here goes. As many of you know I have a day job, with us being down a staff member (actually 3 at the moment, but that's another story), I've been doing the work of 2, maybe even 2.5 people and have been so overwhelmed. I... Continue Reading →


It's coming close to the end of the year, and the Daily Post has challenged us to make a post about it. 2014 has been one 'Extreme Tale' (that's today's Daily Prompt, I wouldn't normally say things like that...). I've decided to respond with a timeline of my 2014 here on WordPress. January I was accepted... Continue Reading →

Behind the Scenes of “Stranger”

This one was pretty simple. Just a small cardboard box (about 3 inches x 5 inches) painted on the inside with a light grey acrylic hobby paint. I left one flap open in the back to shine light through. The man is an ho scale figure painted the same color as the inside of the... Continue Reading →

Behind the Scenes of “Aliens”

All images were shot very quickly with my phone, so I apologize for the iffy image quality.   View the One Word Photo Challenge: Glow-in-the-Dark post where I originally shared this image here.

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