
“The way to get over creative block is to simply place some constraints on yourself. It seems contradictory, but when it comes to creative work, limitations mean freedom.” - Austin Kleon I've been really off my game lately. Sick, super tired, etc. etc. I was already in a photo funk, then add all that and... Continue Reading →

Red Flowers

2 cm. tall bouquet of flowers + Olympus TG 3 on Microscope Mode + Ring Flash + LED light [Linking to the WP Weekly Photo Challenge: Vivid]

Red Bicycle

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Bikes and Motorcycles

Behind the Scenes of “Wagon”

I was filling my mom in on what I was up to the other night and I sent these to her on Facebook- I haven't shared any behind the scenes images with the WordPress world for awhile, so I thought it might be nice to make this post. For those of you curious about those... Continue Reading →

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