10+ FAQs of Toy Photography

Some frequently asked questions and answers! Let me know what I missed in a comment below whether on the question or answer side! Click on a question in the list below to be taken directly to that spot on the page. How do I take realistic images of toys? How do I create practical effects... Continue Reading →

As I Lay Dying

When I was in high school (11th grade I believe) I read 'As I Lay Dying' by William Faulkner. As I remember it, we had a list of projects we could choose from to complete based on the book. Whatever I chose was something about illustrating different chapters. Now keep in mind, I didn't start... Continue Reading →

Behind the Scenes of “Aliens”

All images were shot very quickly with my phone, so I apologize for the iffy image quality.   View the One Word Photo Challenge: Glow-in-the-Dark post where I originally shared this image here.

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