2014, A Look Back

Note - I'm pretty sure my Woodland images were actually made in 2012, but uploaded to this blog in 2014. I'm apparently bad at dating my own work 🤷‍♀️ A catalog of the year. In having to delete lots of old posts recently, I thought it'd be apt to have a record of the pieces... Continue Reading →


A 2cm tall Pokemon figure in it's 'natural' environment. To view all images currently in this series, click here. Follow me on instagram to see before and after repaints of these little figures - @tourmalinenow. Pokémon is a media franchise managed by The Pokémon Company, a consortium between Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. These companies and... Continue Reading →

Dog Man

In continuing on with the spooky/Fall theme I’ll be sharing more Halloween-y images this month. Other than posting daily here, I also shared images using the Creepy TopicGenerator and posted on instagram in the#mabsdrawlloweenclub. So we continue, daily, never-before-shared on this platform spooky images. Hope you enjoy. If you play along, keep tagging #jhc and... Continue Reading →

National Public Lands Day

There are so many "holidays" every day - this is my attempt at a daily photo response. Check out http://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/ and https://www.daysoftheyear.com/ for future post topics. Join in by tagging #todayis or simply leave a link to your contribution below. I’d love to see what you come up with for all these crazy holidays. Contribution links will... Continue Reading →

Trail Mix Day

There are so many "holidays" every day - this is my attempt at a daily photo response. Join in if you'd like. Just tag your post #todayis. :) I’m working on making a master page of all the daily holidays and links to daily posts. In the meantime, check out https://www.daysoftheyear.com/ for future post topics. Join... Continue Reading →


"Some men just want to watch the world burn." Another for the Pic and a Word Challenge. The underbrush sustained them as they make their way through. Quickly. Cleanly. But not so quietly. Growing deeper, longer, as they suck in the life below. Stretching out as high as they can and grasping, sucking away the... Continue Reading →

TG Friday – Unnerving + Woodland A.K.A. Stairs (4)

In response to the Creepy topicgenerator Unneerving + Woodland. How fitting. Join in with your own topicgenerator responses as I do my best to post my own each Friday. Learn more here: https://topicgenerator.wordpress.com/

Stairs (3)

Countless steps found in the forest.

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