10+ FAQs of Toy Photography

Some frequently asked questions and answers! Let me know what I missed in a comment below whether on the question or answer side! Click on a question in the list below to be taken directly to that spot on the page. How do I take realistic images of toys? How do I create practical effects... Continue Reading →

The Numerous Wonders of a Tiny Building

There's a toy store at our local flea market. It holds a collection of opened and sealed toys, new and old, plaything and collectible. My fiance (oh yeah, I'm engaged now!) collects action figures from time to time, I photograph toys and miniatures, so between the two of us we've bought a good bit of... Continue Reading →

Slickforce Softlight

About a month and a half ago slickforce graciously sent me this mini soft light. And I finally have gotten the chance to try it out and review it.  I'm always looking for new small scale lighting options, so I jumped at the chance to try out this light.  This light, at full height, stands... Continue Reading →

As I Lay Dying Behind the Scenes

I've shared the following images here a couple times now, whether posting them individually, or the story behind how they're recreations of my first ever toy photos from 9 years ago. However, I'd like to take the moment to go into how I created each one. I am so happy with how this one turned... Continue Reading →

7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started 3D Printing

Awhile back I got a 3D printer. A small m3d. It prints to about 4.5 x 4.5 inches at the largest, but was relatively inexpensive as far as 3d printers are concerned and came completely built - a must for me. I recently found myself listing off all the things I wish I had known... Continue Reading →

Saving Ideas

Google image search 'idea journaling' and you get beautiful pages full of neat handwriting, perfect sketches, scrapbook paper and washi tape. I keep an idea journal. Mine is not beautiful. My journal (or should I say journals, because I constantly start new ones before old ones are full) is messy - scrawled script, scribbled pictures... Continue Reading →

Image Recovery & Shooting Outside your Comfort Zone

I'm pretty strictly a studio photographer. I like having full control of the entire set and lighting. But there were a few pictures on my 'to do ' list that just seemed to be begging to be shot outdoors. My sister came into town to visit and needed some beach shots for her blog. That... Continue Reading →

WIP: Pokemon

Another update for you all! My dollhouse and it's Halloween interior, and my abandoned amusement park are still in progress (read more here and here). You will most definitely be seeing dollhouse related images next month. The amusement park will be here in time, but as I'm still working on sourcing 3 more ride kits,... Continue Reading →

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