10 Reasons Why Miniatures are Fascinating

Throughout the course of 5 blog posts in a series called 'Why Miniatures?', I've explored various books, articles and films to discover just why miniatures are so fascinating. Today I present those findings to you in a conclusion to 'Why Miniautres?' 1 – Toys allow for a comparison between fantasy and reality 2 – Toys... Continue Reading →

Why Miniatures? Part 3 – On Longing

"The inanimate toy repeats the still life's theme of arrested life, the life of the tableau. But once the toy becomes animated, it initiates another world, the world of the daydream." Why Miniatures part 1, part 2. Why are we so fascinated with miniatures? What makes miniatures useful in artistic work? In this 'Why Miniatures'... Continue Reading →

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