Monachopis is the name of this series of images, the name of the place within the images, and the overall feeling of the inhabitants of this place. From the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, monachopis is ‘the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place, as maladapted to your surroundings as a seal on a beach—lumbering, clumsy, easily distracted, huddled in the company of other misfits, unable to recognize the ambient roar of your intended habitat, in which you’d be fluidly, brilliantly, effortlessly at home.’

A 65 image series, paired down to 16 here.

View exclusive images (not in the above gallery) from this series in Exclu issue 3.

Learn more about each specific image in blog posts – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & behind the scenes.