
I inverted a few images from my A New Door series and we'll see what happens next. Truly, I think I'm just playing while I get my new series into focus, but the images are pretty cool nonetheless.

A New Door

This series is still in progress. The images and words will likely change. Find the continually updated series here. ___ I am real. I am of the earth. I am grounded and ethereal. I am solid and porous. Formed from the earth and back to the earth you'll go. In nature you survive and survive... Continue Reading →

My Green Period

I'm very inspired by green as of late. You saw this in my From Nature Images. There is more green below, and still more green to come. Read about some other fairies here - The Staged Photos that Fooled Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and the World, for Nearly 70 years

The Toy World is Going Sustainable

Our World and Plastic "If current trends in plastic production and waste management continue, the plastic debris housed in landfills and natural environments — currently 4.9 billion metric tons — will more than double by 2050" - PBS News Hour Much of the plastic we use in our daily lives is not degradable and therefore... Continue Reading →


“The way to get over creative block is to simply place some constraints on yourself. It seems contradictory, but when it comes to creative work, limitations mean freedom.” - Austin Kleon I've been really off my game lately. Sick, super tired, etc. etc. I was already in a photo funk, then add all that and... Continue Reading →

Daily Photo Prompt: Green

In my mind, mermaids are jealous creatures, but I think maybe I confuse them with sirens. To try to clear things up, I googled "mermaids and jealousy" and came across this article: Mermaids Origin and Etymology. "Greeks philosophers further more refined the thought of origin of life that came from the sea with the creation... Continue Reading →

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