Photo 101: Home & Getting Oriented

This month, I'll be participating in WordPress' Blogging U Course - Photo 101, as often as I'm able. Today is day 1, and the theme is 'Home.' Missed the sign up? Click the 'Photo 101' link above to view the list of topics. The warmth of a bonfire is always welcoming.


In Response to the Daily Prompt: Pace Oddity. "If you could slow down an action that usually zooms by, or speed up an event that normally drags on, which would you choose, and why?" Speed Up Slow Down

Photography 101: Home

Photography 101 starts today. It is The Daily Post's challenge to take and post an image per day throughout the month of November (kind of a visual art take on NaBloPoMo, which is a blogging version of NaNoWriMo - did I get those acronyms right?). I am going to do my best to participate daily. Learn... Continue Reading →

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