How Toy Photography has Changed Over Time: 1898 to Present Day

Toy photography, in large part, has followed the same trends as photography as a whole and art of other mediums over the years. Here's the brakdown. Updated 7/7/2021 Early Photography Albert Smith and James Stuart Blackton, Raising Old Glory Over Morro Castle, 1898Bombardment of Matanzas, Edward H. Amet, 1898Death in the Air, Wesley David Archer,... Continue Reading →

My Toy Photos that Didn’t Fool the World

“Never have I found the limits of the photographic potential. Every horizon, upon being reached, reveals another beckoning in the distance. Always, I am on the threshold.” -W. Eugene Smith So I've been writing all these post about toy photos that fooled the world and I had a thought, what if I made some of... Continue Reading →

The Toy Photo that Fooled the World for 60 Years

The Surgeon's Photograph “I realised, for the first time, with complete assurance, the picture was not a fake and that the Loch Ness Monster was real and tangible; a living animal -or one that had been real and alive when the picture was taken in 1934.” -Nicholas Witchell, The Loch Ness Story The year is... Continue Reading →

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