Garden Maze

3d designed and printed matrix/maze painted and coated in modeling grass and shrubbery. N scale (1cm tall) figure. Photographed with Olympus TG4. View 3d file and follow me on thingaverse here. [Posting to Pic and a Word Challenge: Obscured and Discover Challenge: Portrait]


  Made of scrapbook paper. Photographed with a purposeful lens flare. Edited with a slight motion blur. See previous: chair-o-plane, ferris wheel [Another for the Weekly Photo Challenge: Curve, and Pic and  Word Challenge: Wind]

Ferris Wheel

Made of scrapbook paper, and wire. Photographed with a purposeful lens flare. Edited with a slight motion blur. See previous: chair-o-plane [For the Pic and a Word Challenge: Wind, Daily Post: Summer and Weekly Photo Challenge: Curve]

Road Trip

For a Pic and a Word Challenge #41 - Roadtrip


Posting to the Discover Challenge: Adventure, the Daily Prompt: Childhood, and the Pic and a Word Challenge: Rain.


Used to the ebb and the flow of the waves of the waters of the anxiety riddled nights and depressing days this flood was unexpected   [For a Pic and a Word Challenge: Rain]


A barren snowy landscape for the Pic and a Word Challenge: Somber. In reality, this is dried shaving cream on aluminum foil...would you have guessed that? [Also sharing this as a 2nd 'V' post for the A to Z Challenge, and a landscape for Cee's Compose Yourself Challenge]  


[For the Pic and a Word Challenge: Compassion , the Discover Challenge: Risk and a very late post for the 2016 April A to Z Challenge, Day 11, K]

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