Household Income Impact on Nutrition Access

Food Deserts, found within areas of low SES, lack fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthy options, and instead have stores that stock highly processed foods (TBCG, 2019). In the U.S., Florida has the highest rates of food insecurity, obesity, and chronic diseases related to obesity, compared to national data (Wright et al., 2018). The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that 23.5 million Americans live in food deserts, with 1.25 million of those people residing in Florida’s food deserts (Wright et al., 2018). A 2019 study, using 2015 data, found that forty of Jacksonville’s census tracts, out of 173, were Food Deserts (TBCG, 2019).

Merry Christmas (Christmas Village Part 2)

For those who celebrate, a merry Christmas to you. For everyone else, I wish you a happy holiday season. Here are some close ups of our Christmas village for the occasion. See yesterday's post for more.

National Chewing Gum Day

There are so many "holidays" every day - this is my attempt at a daily photo response. Check out and for future post topics. Join in by tagging #todayis or simply leave a link to your contribution below. I’d love to see what you come up with for all these crazy holidays. Contribution links will... Continue Reading →

World Heart Day

There are so many "holidays" every day - this is my attempt at a daily photo response. Check out and for future post topics. Join in by tagging #todayis or simply leave a link to your contribution below. I’d love to see what you come up with for all these crazy holidays. Contribution links will... Continue Reading →

National Good Neighbor Day

There are so many "holidays" every day - this is my attempt at a daily photo response. Check out and for future post topics. Join in by tagging #todayis or simply leave a link to your contribution below. I’d love to see what you come up with for all these crazy holidays. Contribution links will... Continue Reading →

Tourism Day

There are so many "holidays" every day - this is my attempt at a daily photo response. Check out and for future post topics. Join in by tagging #todayis or simply leave a link to your contribution below. I’d love to see what you come up with for all these crazy holidays. Contribution links will... Continue Reading →

Lumberjack Day

There are so many "holidays" every day - this is my attempt at a daily photo response. Check out and for future post topics. Join in by tagging #todayis or simply leave a link to your contribution below. I’d love to see what you come up with for all these crazy holidays. Contribution links will... Continue Reading →

World Dream Day

There are so many "holidays" every day - this is my attempt at a daily photo response. Check out and for future post topics. Join in by tagging #todayis or simply leave a link to your contribution below. I’d love to see what you come up with for all these crazy holidays. Contribution links will... Continue Reading →

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