D.C. in Miniature

  Back in December I visited Washington D.C. for the first time ever. The weather was dreary, but I was determined to get some #bigstufflittlestuff images while there, a continuation of my Italy Souvenirs series if you will where I took images of mini monuments in front of their full scale counterparts, the souvenir remaining... Continue Reading →

An Afternoon in NYC

I recently went on a business trip to New Jersey. While there we took a quick detour to New York City and saw the Christmas sights. Here are just a few tourist-y shots I took with my phone during my afternoon there.   

Tourism Day

There are so many "holidays" every day - this is my attempt at a daily photo response. Check out http://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/ and https://www.daysoftheyear.com/ for future post topics. Join in by tagging #todayis or simply leave a link to your contribution below. I’d love to see what you come up with for all these crazy holidays. Contribution links will... Continue Reading →

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