Keep Doing You

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a million times again. Own what you do. Have confidence in your passions. Just because someone else doesn’t understand it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue it or that you should hide it. I recently read this article. A man rediscovered his childhood love of miniature soldiers during... Continue Reading →

I’m a Professional Cat Photographer Now

Well okay, not exactly. Someone who takes way too many pictures of their cat, yes. But what's too many really (tell me how many pet photos you have on your phone and then I might just admit how many I have on mine)? However, a picture I took of my cat laying under a blanket,... Continue Reading →

The Photos I’ve Made (so far) In These Weird Times.

Disclaimer: Your worth is not based on how productive you are now or ever. I've watched more netflix than anything else outside of work and if you've done the same that's okay. I'm glad I'm starting to settle into my routine and make things again and this post is only to talk about that process.... Continue Reading →

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