Thorne Miniature Rooms 5

13-15/32 iPhone images of details of some of the 68 Thorne Miniature Rooms housed within the Art Institute of Chicago. These diorammas are extraordinarily detailed 1:12 scale pieces - meaning the chairs would seat a 5 - 6" tall person.

Thorne Miniature Rooms 4

10-12/32 iPhone images of details of some of the 68 Thorne Miniature Rooms housed within the Art Institute of Chicago. These diorammas are extraordinarily detailed 1:12 scale pieces - meaning the chairs would seat a 5 - 6" tall person.

Thorne Miniature Rooms 3

7-9/32 iPhone images of details of some of the 68 Thorne Miniature Rooms housed within the Art Institute of Chicago. These diorammas are extraordinarily detailed 1:12 scale pieces - meaning the chairs would seat a 5 - 6" tall person.

Thorne Miniature Rooms 2

4-6/32 iPhone images of details of some of the 68 Thorne Miniature Rooms housed within the Art Institute of Chicago. These diorammas are extraordinarily detailed 1:12 scale pieces - meaning the chairs would seat a 5 - 6" tall person.

Thorne Miniature Rooms 1

1-3/32 iPhone images of details of some of the 68 Thorne Miniature Rooms housed within the Art Institute of Chicago. These diorammas are extraordinarily detailed 1:12 scale pieces - meaning the chairs would seat a 5 - 6" tall person.

Beauty and the Beast

The new live action Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson was recently released. Around the same time I re-discovered some Disney minis in my collection. These are about an inch tall and are from Polly Pocket-like sets I had in childhood. I haven't seen the new movie yet, have you? Let me know your... Continue Reading →

Monachopis – Behind the Scenes

Monachopis, as you'll be familiar by now, is my newest series. It consists of 65 images in total. I completed it throughout January, February and March. While You got a hint of the items used to create this series through various blog posts here, I now present a final behind the scenes look. Set Design I... Continue Reading →

Color Your World 2017 Wrap Up

We made it through all 120 days! 4 months. Can you believe it? Make sure to continue to check out the #cyw and #coloryourworld tags in your reader and the participant list on the home page to see what everyone has shared. Thank you all so much for participating. I sincerely hope you had fun searching... Continue Reading →

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