Toon Town Treasure Hunt, Jacksonville, FL

Have you ever wanted to dig through giant bins of Amazon returns in a warehouse in Downtown Jacksonville? Okay, maybe not, unless you've binged all the youtube videos of a similar concept. In any case, it's a cool concept right? And maybe just maybe you're curious. What if I told you it was only a... Continue Reading →

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Bridges

The Cancer Survivor's Park in front of the FSCJ downtown campus features walking bridges modeled after the seven bridges of Jacksonville all placed over a replica of the St. John's river. I've visited this little park for a few different photo projects. The miniature bridges are quite fun.

Art Walk// Southlight Gallery

Thanks Somewhere in the City girls for the shout out and the lovely picture :)


Submitted 4 more images to #PhotoJax500 today. You might be familiar with a few of them. "The 3rd set, “PS #4″ was taken one morning at Public School #4 here in Jacksonville. For these I focused very much on the beauty of natural light in this down-trodden environment."

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