Creating Anyway

Free Association, MRI series, Tourmaline ., 2020 While 2020 has been an eye opener for me with health concerns, my off beat health is nothing new. Just in the past 6 or 7 years, from infected tonsils that led to me getting sick every time I ate or drank for more than a year, then... Continue Reading →

Being in the Game

I originally wrote this post, and published it on Toy Photographers in 2017, but it constantly remains oh so relevant. The very first play in The Photographer’s Playbook asks the reader to figure out what game they’re playing. So, I say to myself, “I’m creating because I have a creative drive.” But this needs to... Continue Reading →

2018, A Reflection

What a year 2018 has been. I thought about not posting a reflection this year, for the first time ever, but I think it's been a good practice to truly focus on how I've grown in my art, online presence, etc.


It's coming close to the end of the year, and the Daily Post has challenged us to make a post about it. 2014 has been one 'Extreme Tale' (that's today's Daily Prompt, I wouldn't normally say things like that...). I've decided to respond with a timeline of my 2014 here on WordPress. January I was accepted... Continue Reading →

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