2014, A Look Back

Note - I'm pretty sure my Woodland images were actually made in 2012, but uploaded to this blog in 2014. I'm apparently bad at dating my own work 🤷‍♀️ A catalog of the year. In having to delete lots of old posts recently, I thought it'd be apt to have a record of the pieces... Continue Reading →

Making Miniatures

In elementary school I made a purple mansion out of balsa wood, scaled to my Fashion Polly dolls. In middle school I carved the Mortman Mountain from The Series of Unfortunate Events out of floral foam with a plastic wrap water fall. Later I made an 18 inch doll size teepee out of fabric, dowel... Continue Reading →

Miniatures and the Uncanny Valley

"Miniatures get a bad rap, in part because of the uncanny valley, a term typically used to describe the hair-raising feeling we get when robots are just a little too lifelike. Similarly, the miniature’s ability to reflect and, simultaneously, distort our reality can give us the creeps. That aversion has only been exacerbated by the repeat... Continue Reading →

A Timeline of the History of Miniatures: From Ritual and Religious Object to Plaything and Collectible

A re-look at a past post, miniatures since the beginning of time.

Keep Doing You

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a million times again. Own what you do. Have confidence in your passions. Just because someone else doesn’t understand it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue it or that you should hide it. I recently read this article. A man rediscovered his childhood love of miniature soldiers during... Continue Reading →

Some Things Never Change (or Paper Crafting Books Will Never Not be Cool)

I bought some things Friday and Saturday and I keep thinking how proud my child self would be with me. That's to say, I'm very happy with my purchases, and they aren't too far off from a taste I've had my whole life for small things and for paper crafting. Although the paper crafting has... Continue Reading →

When Life Gets in the Way, Revel in All the Miniatures Around You

Life Traveling for work, preparing for a move, planning a wedding, all while trying to keep up art motivation has been trying. That said, I'm still buzzing with ideas, but creating when I'm more in the mood for relaxing leads to half hearted photos that don't match the vision in my head. Instead I've been... Continue Reading →

Making Miniature Pottery

I never know if it's simply the miniature spaces I frequent, or a worldwide phenomenon, but I've been seeing miniature pottery pop up everywhere. Maybe not as popular as miniature cooking, but a close second. And I might just like watching miniature pottery throwing videos more than mini cooking videos. But that's just me. In... Continue Reading →

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