Making Miniatures

In elementary school I made a purple mansion out of balsa wood, scaled to my Fashion Polly dolls. In middle school I carved the Mortman Mountain from The Series of Unfortunate Events out of floral foam with a plastic wrap water fall. Later I made an 18 inch doll size teepee out of fabric, dowel... Continue Reading →

Happy Thanksgiving! One of my earlier Youtube videos so don't judge too hard. Making a Thanksgiving meal for a 2cm tall person!

Empire Toy Works

I have been enamored by the work of Chris Shaylor of Empire Toy Works for quite some time now. His intricacy, detail, colors, and so much more, intrigue me. I am so excited to share this interview with you. I hope you enjoy learning more about him, or maybe being newly introduced to him. Let... Continue Reading →

Making Miniature Pottery

I never know if it's simply the miniature spaces I frequent, or a worldwide phenomenon, but I've been seeing miniature pottery pop up everywhere. Maybe not as popular as miniature cooking, but a close second. And I might just like watching miniature pottery throwing videos more than mini cooking videos. But that's just me. In... Continue Reading →

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