I’m a Professional Cat Photographer Now

Well okay, not exactly. Someone who takes way too many pictures of their cat, yes. But what's too many really (tell me how many pet photos you have on your phone and then I might just admit how many I have on mine)? However, a picture I took of my cat laying under a blanket,... Continue Reading →

A Toy Photography Assignment from Focus On Photography

“It’s one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like, it’s another thing to make a portrait of who they are.” – Paul Caponigro I was an education minor in college (photo major, double minor w/ art history). I got my temporary k-12 art teaching certificate, but ended up deciding not to... Continue Reading →

Toy Photography on the Cheap

I wrote this post a million years ago and never published it. In going through my 36 post drafts, most of which are barely written ideas, I stumbled on this one and it seems like the perfect time to share. Sure, maybe you can't go shopping at the dollar store, or maybe you can but... Continue Reading →

The Photos I’ve Made (so far) In These Weird Times.

Disclaimer: Your worth is not based on how productive you are now or ever. I've watched more netflix than anything else outside of work and if you've done the same that's okay. I'm glad I'm starting to settle into my routine and make things again and this post is only to talk about that process.... Continue Reading →

The world is ending, or maybe it’s not. 

I just got married 5 days ago. A couple people asked if the wedding was still on. We'd been planning it for a year and 2 months, paid all the vendors, arranged everything. Of course it was still on. It was definitely a gathering of more than 10 people and we all sat next to... Continue Reading →

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