Weekly Recap: July 25 – 31

Quite an ordinary week. Started and ended with flea markets and thrift stores. Work, cleaning, cooking and all the boring stuff in between. Some creative planning, but not a lot of creative persuing. This all makes for a very useless blog post, but I've committed. Tomorrow we're going to the zoo though and I'll hopefully... Continue Reading →

Weekly Recap: May 9 – 15

Sunday Eric and I went to the Coliseum Roadshow, a toy and comic show. We left empty handed since it was more geared to comic fans. But we then went over to Cool Stuff Vintage and I got some cool minis. Monday and Tuesday were all about work, blogging and watching Hoarders. Wednesday, bright and... Continue Reading →

Empire Toy Works

I have been enamored by the work of Chris Shaylor of Empire Toy Works for quite some time now. His intricacy, detail, colors, and so much more, intrigue me. I am so excited to share this interview with you. I hope you enjoy learning more about him, or maybe being newly introduced to him. Let... Continue Reading →

EcoRelics, Jacksonville, FL

Went to a very cool antique store this past Saturday. EcoRelics sells architectural salvage, reclaimed construction materials and antiques. That makes for a wonderful photography opportunity. Well I mean, and also is a good place to buy all those mentioned things, but I came away only with photos this time around. Check 'em out, and... Continue Reading →

TCA Train Show

I go to the annual train show almost every year here in Jacksonville, FL. It's a big to do, held at a convention center, and has a ton of vendors. I tend to get pretty good deals as I'm looking for things the average train collector might not covet. I don't have a train set,... Continue Reading →

Toon Town Treasure Hunt, Jacksonville, FL

Have you ever wanted to dig through giant bins of Amazon returns in a warehouse in Downtown Jacksonville? Okay, maybe not, unless you've binged all the youtube videos of a similar concept. In any case, it's a cool concept right? And maybe just maybe you're curious. What if I told you it was only a... Continue Reading →

Ron’s Miniature Shop, Orlando, FL

I was in Lakeland for work and noticed that Ron's Miniature Shop was going to be almost precisely on my way home to Jacksonville, so of course I had to stop by. And I wasn't disappointed.

Bayard Antique Villages, Jacksonville, FL

My mom and I finally went to check out the Bayard Antique Village last week. While we only recently became aware of it, the location itself has existed since 1949. US 1 was the main North/South travel road of the area. The formerly named Beautyrest Cabins provided a nice place to stay while en route.... Continue Reading →

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